River and People

Could be defined as «ethno fluvial» the relationship of the people with the river.

First there was the river, of course … and then came the people: their relationship began with the occupation of the river banks, «the dramatic pairing of earth and water» from the beginning, to take advantage of the wealth generated immediately cultivating fertile lands, the existence of water, and the ease of communications.

This occupation has progressively increased, generating a fruitful (?) effort, very difficult to arrange in pushing the water to the land. So bring on severe conditions present ecosystems and human being. And the temporary dissolution of marriage comes when it becomes drought and flood.

The river, like people, like our lives, is subjected to a process of filling and emptying recreation (remember the pre-metaphysical and Nietzsche), who kept alive: But the extremes (drought and floods) affect creatures that live in it or feed it. We are the river because we have the ability to fill and empty our lives at every moment of our existence: we are free to re design the future.

To smooth the edges on the ends, the way forward is the adaptation and resilience. Let’s see if we do it: philosophically, both drought and flooding, are effects on people or things caused by natural causes. Anthropologically, the human species has been causing segregation increases with the passage of time, between the sacred and the profane.

Collectivities consecrating your living space, it has an important ecological harmony, linking up well with its surroundings, which lacked those groups that limited their activities to the profane. The ecological damage caused by human intervention, that the river has broken this relationship deeply harmonic shows a high degree of decomposition in the behaviour patterns of the community they cause.

Thus, the commonly missed Earthly Paradise, was merely the setting in which the relationships of human beings with nature is developed base, due to the deep respect for the sacred. This longing we all feel sometimes, to return to Eden is revealed when held sacrificial rites, prompts forgiveness and divine favour, creators of re primordial rites. However, we find a curious paradox that, being now far more than ever humanity of Nature, to the point that needs to enact its defence, it is now less purification rites are held.

That is, the desecration of ecological relationships should mean an increase in the ritual that accompanies the cult, so we should be more «religious» than our ancestors, and to implore the forgiveness organic disorders induced by the huge river caused countless attacks against nature. The legendary original relationship of man with the divine (the nature elevated to divinity) was present in the old man, being man contemporary a tradition that does not blur the category of myth, deriving here is the demystification and therefore desecration (conversion of the sacred in the profane), of the nature.

The conclusion to this anthropological argument would be that lost respect for nature by the human being, in almost all areas and of course the human interaction with the channel and the river basin, and the consequences excess are conditions caused by flooding and by default, those caused during periods of drought. The occurrence of more or less random extreme events, should lead to reflection, forcing issues to remember and forgotten ancestral obscured by the advance of technology, demonstrating that only secular vision has its drawbacks insurmountable much technical advance, as this «breakthrough» ignore the aspect consecrating above, which in this case is simply the awareness of the respect that must be recovered by the channel and basin.

Flood or drought would strike tending to reality and remember that demystify the concept of ubiquitous coat of science is a complete and effective protection of the social body against any unfortunate event. Flood, drought, or any unforeseeable natural phenomenon difficult to prevent, they are just feeling it causes memory and automatically puts us all in our place. They are warning that the commission or the “Dea Mater”, Mother Nature sends us to never forget their obligations as mother have with her.

Our relationship ethno fluvial.

Lorenzo Correa

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