A ontological reflection about water management

As water engineering has many of its professionals in Spain (which I think was one day), pretty lazy, I now have more time during my free time to devote to coaching, my passion of maturity. And I do it on water management from the ontological reflection (which it is ,
what looks to human being setting the basic determinations of the real), as a counterpoint to the logical reflection (the refelection of the «experts» who defines procedures for channeling thought)

And try as I said to apply state of the art of the water management. So now I take care of the «water covenant», so fashionable in Spain these days. Because I think channeling thought, like the river, eliminating degrees of freedom and do not know why I get (I’m probably wrong) that some of the defenders of the essences of good water management, Tyrians and Trojans, of course, emit thought signals channeled

What is a covenant? As a convention setting or something between two or more persons or entities that are committed to meet the requirement. Yes, that’s it: agreement and commitment

In it people (which people who choose them? … the peasantry) involved,
to agree (match!) about something (water landscape) and commit to agreed
(for the good of the country, the community).

For me, a Land of Water are the administrations of the landscape ( basins), water policy. And the peasantry, the direct and indirect users who work, pay and claim, as well as investigating conclude and decide.

The ontology of landscape water tells us what is in various dimensions: anthropological reflection, aesthetic taste of nature, personal biography focused deployment of memories and minutiae of life … describes the being of man in his relationship to the world, with the culture and the sense of history, creating a «landscape of the soul.» The covenanters of ecosystem vision and the covenanters of anthropogenic vision would priovide to the covenance your soul’s landscapes, conditioned by the absence of water in them, which
would generate a structure that «convulsing» landscape, producing in him thedisgruntled sensitive who inhabit and revealing the collective personality before andafter the personality of someone who is in them. Can there be agreement on thisimportant aspect? Here we have a target to score just start negotiations, consensualand harmonious combination of both water landscapes. Start there, please.

It’s about finding the collective personality through intrahistory, his opposition to the abstract universal concepts of water management to come up with the real problem: knowing what will be of the water after an agreed destination.

Concrete example: Application to Hydrological Plan of the Ebro River in Spain .

Do you see it simple? Is it more or less current trading cubic hectometers point for river or
negotiate something less measurable as is said «landscape seizure? Will want thepeasantry (from which come the Covenanters), dischannel thought ? I hope and pray we do.

Lorenzo Correa

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